Speed kills!

Speed kills!


Two young first year university students drive in front of a train and leave a community under a black cloud of grief. Lives and loves just begun, now in a minute ended! Is there not a spark of meaning anywhere out there?

The community has been poorly served, especially by “the people of faith”. They have been led to believe that everything has a purpose, that this life is only a rehearsal, that a divine being has everything in control.

From knee-high they have been schooled in what to expect from life. Disaster and adversity were never catered for, only triumph would rule the day. Not seeing that even triumph can be an imposter!

How fragile life is, how suddenly it can all just come to an end! Is this pessimistic, paranoid, perverse? No, not at all, the scouts have it right by being prepared! Know the dangers that walk the streets! Know that tragedy is not metered out to those who deserve it; tragedy is just one of the many actors on the stage of life.